Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2012 arrow February 2012

Top Age 8 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation February 2012

1Liang, Awonder (13999045)8WIUSA2080
2Peng, David Tianjian (14195454)8ILUSA1901
3Gu, Brian Fanyuan (14100620)8TXUSA1802
4Ganthapodi, Maanav S (14060533)8NJUSA1723
5Stearman, Josiah Paul (14006506)8CAUSA1676
6Zhang, Kevin (14256250)8VAUSA1646
7Elberling, Thomas (14095916)8NJUSA1612
8Krishnan, Ajay (14375346)8CAUSA1604
9Deng, Tim (13200804)8CAUSA1602
10Oskiper, Constantine (14338863)8NJUSA1589
11Beaudoin, Hudson (14149103)8NYUSA1573
12Yip, Carissa Shiwen (14514636)8MAUSA1571
13Hawthorn, Charles (14435718)8TXUSA1565
14Lencz, Harris (14409837)8NYUSA1553
15Daniels, Jason Scott (14107163)8ILUSA1550
16Balasaygun, Alara (14469858)8PAUSA1541
17Ma, Tristan (14239696)8VAUSA1528
18Robitaille, Luke Robert (13971422)8TXUSA1487
19Nguyen, Dang Minh (13942075)8TXUSA1486
Guo, Zachary (14406136)8TXUSA1486
21Yaskolko, Maxim (14007625)8PAUSA1478
22Joo, Ethan (14076394)8NYUSA1473
23Hu, William (14186053)8NYUSA1466
24Ge, Anthony (14501996)8CAUSA1445
25Mendelevitch, Daniel (14247701)8CAUSA1431
26Ganesh, Anirudh (14480784)8TXUSA1426
27Jelenkovic, Stefan (14110020)8NYUSA1421
28Ramesh, Kaavya (14023322)8TXUSA1419
29Ahram, Aidan (14061123)8NYUSA1413
30Liu, Leonard Q (14235390)8CTUSA1408
31Tian, Samuel Walter (14491983)8TXUSA1385
32Kogan, Theo George (14218710)8NYUSA1373
33Tutuncu-Macias, Mario (14134383)8NYUSA1369
34Graddy, Natahja (14052183)8NCUSA1348
35Dill, James Christopher (14061034)8NCUSA1337
36Wang, Andrew (14051022)8TXUSA1328
37Mao, Andrew Sun-Rong (14290440)8TXUSA1322
38Deshpande, Aaryan (14245381)8WAUSA1313
39Padmanabhan, Karthik Sai (14297265)8MNUSA1308
40Jones, Charlie (14239152)8CAUSA1306
Mangalam, Shreya B (14385521)8ILUSA1306
42Vuthamaraju, Rishabh (14258716)8CTUSA1303
43Lerman, Joshua (14211104)8NJUSA1301
44Bashkansky, Naomi (14048474)8WAUSA1295
45Dhami, Amir (14628812)8CAUSA1294
46Liu, Aristo S (14702445)8PAUSA1293
47Starkman, Elliot (14024483)8FLUSA1287
Zhao, Chenyi (14468305)8CAUSA1287
49Yue, William H (14442611)8TXUSA1281
50Riskevich, Gabriel (14029254)8NYUSA1279
51Chen, Andrew (14355777)8NYUSA1275
52Jia, Andy P (14135564)8TXUSA1273
Nicolas, Jamie (14440291)8NYUSA1273
54Surapaneni, Atri (14499356)8CAUSA1272
55Shen, Daniel D (14437784)8GAUSA1267
56Helmy, Jad (14206330)8FLUSA1265
Xu, Chang (14673370)8AZUSA1265
58Mettke, Nathaniel Liu (14513131)8NYUSA1261
59Qian, Joshua Y (14128730)8OHUSA1259
60Narang, Ijay (14362795)8TXUSA1257
Jung, Darren Li (14618417)8NYUSA1257
62Jacobson, Brandon (14160065)8NJUSA1255
63Nakada, Akira (14452418)8NYUSA1254
64Kang, Justin (14554482)8CAUSA1252
65Ulrich, Susanna G (13498414)8WIUSA1250
Pang, Maxwell (14286401)8NYUSA1250
67Cheng, Stephen (14369040)8NJUSA1247
Wang, Ricky (14403974)8ILUSA1247
69Menin, Max (14165920)8NYUSA1245
70Minoofar, Ethan (13828053)8CAUSA1243
71Rudt, Adam (14434234)8NYUSA1223
72Harris, Alex K (14223018)8NYUSA1221
73Costa, Diego (14298081)8TXUSA1219
Paul, Justin (14323420)8VAUSA1219
75Santoyo, Raul A (13833136)8TXUSA1218
76Harrs, Christian (14376224)8FLUSA1212
77Oskiper, Andreas (14338878)8NJUSA1208
78Shetti, Omkar Rajesh (14375284)8WAUSA1205
79Hwang, Daniel H (14367001)8CAUSA1202
80Baker, Vincent Jingwei (14304661)8OHUSA1199
81Omar, Tamm (14065827)8KYUSA1195
Li, Sean Yu (14075391)8ILUSA1195
83Lee, Atticus (14160573)8NYUSA1187
84Ming, Albert (14284981)8NJUSA1186
85Wong, Estella (13951722)8CAUSA1185
86Zhao, Luke (14282042)8CAUSA1182
87Zhou, Abigail Lee (14234987)8NYUSA1179
He, Derek (14583027)8TXUSA1179
89Wang, Victor J (14049105)8FLUSA1176
90Vanhorn, Brazen (14550728)8NYUSA1170
91Peterson, Gia (14164190)8CAUSA1169
92Bandi, Rohit Choudary (14605830)8TXUSA1168
93Miller, Elizabeth (14345792)8NYUSA1163
94Takasumi, Richard (13853282)8CTUSA1162
95Giovannetti, Grant (13909621)8FLUSA1160
Cai, Jiaying Lucy (14437338)8MAUSA1160
97Oskiper, Nicholas (14338884)8NJUSA1159
98Izumi, Haruki (14357548)8NYUSA1158
99Payne, Hunter Adrian (14315970)8GAUSA1157
100Keval, Vivek A (14274805)8TXUSA1154
Arvin, Thomas (14465415)8NYUSA1154
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
